Featured Projects

E.C.H.O. Operative

Technical Game Design | Narrative Design | Quest Design

Echo Operative is an action-adventure spy game where the player controls Agent Victor Kane as he infiltrates the base of a rogue terrorist faction. This game was built in a group of five over a 2 month period in the University of Utah course Traditional Game Development. I functioned as lead narrative and quest designer for the project. I created a plot synopsis, planned a level flow for missions, and wrote the script. I then functioned as a technical designer—implementing dialogue, creating and scripting diegetic UI content, and creating our mission system. I also did work for game feel and combat tweaking on the player character.

Built in Unreal Engine, May - July 2024

A gameplay trailer created by team member Hunter Hostelley

A complete playthrough of a first time player

Behind the Lectern

Game Design | Software Engineering | Production

Behind the Lectern is an empathy game where the player takes on the role of a teacher to experience how demanding the job can be. I pitched this game to the class Alternative Game Development and was one of ten selected to be built over a 2 month production period. This game was developed by a team of three where I functioned as the vision holder along with my roles as lead designer and lead engineer. I designed and implemented the core game loop and UX, as well as several additional minigames. 

Built in GameMaker, May - July 2024

Squircle's Journey

Game Design | Software Engineering

Squircle's Journey is a retro Action-Adventure game that I designed and built on my own to learn Godot. It takes inspiration from classic, genre-defining games. I was responsible for all parts of the game including engineering, design, sound, art, etc. I designed and scripted the item system, level mechanics,  combat, enemy AI, and designed the levels. I also created the narrative, art assets, and sounds used in the game. 

Built in Godot, January - July 2024

A short trailer I made for Squircle's Journey

A full playthrough of Bubble Pop Doodle Quest

Bubble Pop: Doodle Quest

Game Design | Software Engineering

Bubble Pop: Doodle Quest is a hyper-casual mobile game built in a group of 3 for the University of Utah course EAE 3150 - Mobile Game Design. I functioned as a designer for the project and our only gameplay engineer. The game was developed with the purpose of learning unique aspects of mobile design such as touch input, developing for varied screen sizes, the importance of first time user experiences, etc.

Built in Unity, February - April 2024

Under Development


Game Design | Mechanics/Combat Design | Systems Design | Production

Beamdown is a 3D Isometric Boss Rush Game. It is being developed as a capstone project at the University of Utah with a team of 30+ developers. I am the gameplay team lead and am responsible for the player experience and mechanics. As part of this I lead the gameplay team that also included our systems and enemy designers. Beamdown wrapped Alpha in December 2024 and will continue development with the goal of a Steam Early Access release in January and a Full Release in late Q1 of 2025.

Built in Unity, September 2024 - Present

A short alpha trailer made by a team member

A picture of the board in Foursight


Game Design | Rapid Prototyping

Foursight is a cooperative card game where players unite to form and identify patterns on a shared board of cards. Foursight began as a prototype called "Blind Trust" designed as a class project to achieve the aesthetic of sportsmanship and building comradery in a team. I am currently continuing work on Foursight with the hope of Kickstarting or publishing it.

October 2024 - Present